AVL Database Descriptions

Consumer Health Complete (EBSCO)

chc_200_sm.jpgConsumer Health Complete provides access to consumer-oriented health content and information on key topics across the health and wellness spectrum.

Audience: High School, College & University, and General Public

Contemporary Literary Criticism (Gale)

lco_sm_2.jpgContemporary Literary Criticism is a subset of the Gale Literature Criticism database. Contemporary Literary Criticism contains Vol. 1 through Vol. 499 of the Contemporary Contemporary Literary Criticism collection.

Audience: High School, College & University, and General Public

Coronavirus Research Database (ProQuest)

crd_db_sm.jpgCoronavirus Research Database provides access to journal articles, preprints, dissertations, and conference proceedings that pertain to COVID-19, as well as other coronaviruses.

Audience: Middle School, High School, College & University, and General Public

EBSCO Discovery Service (EBSCO)

​​eds_200_sm.pngEBSCO Discovery Service provides single search access to a majority of AVL resources, as well as the ability to search across EBSCO databases and its partner databases.

Audience: All

EBSCOhost Search (EBSCO)

ebh_200_sm.pngEBSCOhost is an online research platform that provides access to EBSCO databases and search features that are utilized by researchers.

Audience: Middle School, High School, College & University, and General Public

Encyclopedia of Alabama

Logo image for Encyclopedia of AlabamaThe Encyclopedia of Alabama provides free access to reference resources on the culture, geography, history, and natural environment of Alabama.

Audience: All


eric_200_sm.pngERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is a database of indexed and full-text education literature resources.

Audience: College & University, Educators, and General Public

Ethnic NewsWatch (ProQuest)

Logo image for Ethnic NewsWatchEthnic NewsWatch provides access to full-text journals, magazines, and newspapers of the ethnic and minority press.

Audience: High School, College & University, and General Public

Explora (EBSCO)

explora_200_sm.pngExplora is an interface for schools and public libraries that supports both student research and classroom instruction with reliable content and easy-to-use functionality.

Audience: Elementary School, Middle School, High School, and Educators

Funk and Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia (EBSCO)

ebsco_sm_0.jpgFunk and Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia is a K-8 resource that is made available through EBSCO's Primary Search database. EBSCO's Primary Search database provides access to full-text children's magazines.

Audience: Middle School, High School, College & University, and General Public

Gale Business: Insights (Gale)

gbib_sm.jpgGale Business: Insights provides access to company and industry information, articles, statistical data, and more.

Audience: High School, College & University, and General Public