Consumer Health Complete provides access to consumer-oriented health content and information on key topics across the health and wellness spectrum.
Audience: High School, College & University, and General Public
Consumer Health Complete provides access to consumer-oriented health content and information on key topics across the health and wellness spectrum.
Audience: High School, College & University, and General Public
Contemporary Literary Criticism is a subset of the Gale Literature Criticism database. Contemporary Literary Criticism contains Vol. 1 through Vol. 499 of the Contemporary Contemporary Literary Criticism collection.
Audience: High School, College & University, and General Public
Coronavirus Research Database provides access to journal articles, preprints, dissertations, and conference proceedings that pertain to COVID-19, as well as other coronaviruses.
Audience: Middle School, High School, College & University, and General Public
EBSCO Discovery Service provides single search access to a majority of AVL resources, as well as the ability to search across EBSCO databases and its partner databases.
Audience: All
EBSCOhost is an online research platform that provides access to EBSCO databases and search features that are utilized by researchers.
Audience: Middle School, High School, College & University, and General Public
The Encyclopedia of Alabama provides free access to reference resources on the culture, geography, history, and natural environment of Alabama.
Audience: All
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is a database of indexed and full-text education literature resources.
Audience: College & University, Educators, and General Public
Ethnic NewsWatch provides access to full-text journals, magazines, and newspapers of the ethnic and minority press.
Audience: High School, College & University, and General Public
Explora is an interface for schools and public libraries that supports both student research and classroom instruction with reliable content and easy-to-use functionality.
Audience: Elementary School, Middle School, High School, and Educators
Funk and Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia is a K-8 resource that is made available through EBSCO's Primary Search database. EBSCO's Primary Search database provides access to full-text children's magazines.
Audience: Middle School, High School, College & University, and General Public
Gale Business: Insights provides access to company and industry information, articles, statistical data, and more.
Audience: High School, College & University, and General Public