AVL Council Bylaws

Article I. Name

The name of the organization shall be the Alabama Virtual Library (AVL) Council. In the text of the by-laws, the acronym AVL shall refer to the Alabama Virtual Library, while the governing body of the AVL shall be referred to as the Council.

Article II. Purpose

The Council is responsible for implementing and managing online databases, resources and policies for the Alabama Virtual Library (AVL). The AVL has as its purpose to provide Alabama citizens with an electronic library of resources for children, students, and adults regardless of geographic location, educational levels, or economic status. Citizens are able to access scholarly and general information remotely, including locations from their home, work, or from the supporting state agencies (schools, public libraries, or colleges and universities). The Council facilitates advocacy efforts to insure the sustainability of the AVL's mission, its products and services to meet the dynamic information and resource needs of Alabama citizens.

Article III. Membership

Section I.

The state agencies participating in the AVL Council are: the Alabama Commission on Higher Education, the Alabama Community College System, the Alabama Public Library Service, the Alabama State Department of Education, and the Alabama Supercomputer Authority.

Section II.

The director of each participating state agency shall appoint three Council members to serve as representatives and advocates for the AVL. Each appointment is made for a three-year term. Initial appointments to the Council may have varying lengths of service to allow staggered rotation and terms of service. Members whose term has expired will serve until a new appointment is made by the participating agency.

Section III.

The membership year shall correspond with the fiscal year, beginning October 1st and ending on September 30th of the subsequent year.

Article IV. Officers

Section I.

The officers of the Council shall be Chairperson, Chairperson-Elect, Secretary and Treasurer. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by the bylaws and by the parliamentary authority as specified in Article VIII. The chairperson is elected on a rotating basis from the state agencies on the board. To maintain continuity in leadership, it is intended that the Chairperson-Elect shall assume the position of Chairperson in the following year.

Section II.

The presiding chairperson of the Council shall appoint a Nominating Committee no later than April. The committee shall present a slate of officers to the Council at the June meeting. Additional nominations may be accepted from the floor for any position except for Chair-Elect unless this position is currently unoccupied. The Council will vote on the slate of officers during the June meeting.

Section III.

All officers shall be elected to serve for one year or until their successors are elected, with a maximum of two consecutive terms. The term of office shall begin October 1st of each year.

Section IV.

The Chairperson shall convene regularly scheduled Council meetings, shall preside or arrange for other members of the Council's Executive Committee to preside at each meeting in the following order: Chairperson-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the Chairperson, the Chairperson-Elect shall assume the office of the Chairperson for the remainder of the term. Vacancies in the office of Chairperson-Elect or Secretary shall be filled by a special election.

Section V.

The Secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings/actions taken at the meetings of the Council. The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping records of the AVL, including but not limited to, files, papers, letters, copies of letters, books, minutes, budgets, and any other materials related to the actions of the Council. The Secretary shall also establish a quorum for meetings and notify members of scheduled meetings.

Section VI.

The Alabama Legislature designates the fiscal agent for the AVL. The Treasurer shall serve as a primary point of contact for financial information with the fiscal agent. This includes any and all budgetary matters, including purchasing, licensing, etc.

Section VII.

The Chairperson will coordinate an orientation for all AVL appointments. This will be done on an annual basis or when a new person is appointed to the committee.

Article V. Meetings

Section I.

The Council shall meet bimonthly beginning in October of each year. Meeting locations, day, dates, and times will be determined by the Council.

Section II.

The Chairperson of the Council may call special meetings; and said meetings may be called upon the request of three representatives of three different agencies of AVL. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call. Except in emergencies, a minimum of ten business days' notice (excluding Saturdays and Sundays) shall be given.

Section III.

A member may select to have a representative attend a meeting on their behalf, however the representative will have no authority to make comments unless for clarification purposes.

Section IV.

A simple majority of the Council shall consist of eight members with a minimum of one member representing each participating agency. Said majority shall constitute a quorum. Only appointed Council members may cast votes and must be present to vote. Proxy votes will not be recognized nor will any representative have voting privileges. Council members shall abstain from voting on matters that could be considered a conflict of interest. In the absence of a quorum, voting will be delayed until the next regular meeting when a quorum is present.

Article VI. Committees

Section I.

AVL members are expected to work on various standing committees to assure that the business of the Council is addressed and that state polices are followed. Members may volunteer or be assigned by the chair to work on one or more standing committee(s).

Committees may elect a member to serve as chair, or, the AVL Chairperson may appoint a committee chair. Committee chairpersons are responsible for calling meetings, making committee reports to the Council, and submitting a written report for archival purposes. Although not required, committees should consist of at least one member from each participating agency.

With the approval of the AVL Council, the Chairperson may assign an AVL Ad Hoc committee(s) or task force(s) as needed to address concerns that are beyond the normal scope of business.

The Chairperson shall be an ex officio member of all committees except the nominating committee. The AVL Standing Committees are: Budget, By-Laws, Nominating, Database Review, Selection and Licensing, Legislative and Advocacy, Publicity, Training and Strategic Planning.

Section II.

Standing committee descriptions.

It is the duty of the Budget committee to prepare a budget for the fiscal year, present the budget to the Council, and to oversee and recommend expenditures to Council. The treasurer shall serve as chair of the Budget Committee and a member from the fiscal agent's financial office shall also serve on the committee.

The By-Laws Committee shall be composed of four Council members and is responsible for reviewing the by-laws for revisions or additions as identified in Article VIII. By-Laws will be fully reviewed at least every three years and presented to Council for approval.

Database Review
The Database Review committee shall review, compare, and make recommendations to Council about new products, subscriptions, and services to add to the AVL. The committee may also make recommendations to Council on the content and the relevance of resources in order to meet the needs of AVL users. The Database Review Committee shall be composed of a minimum of five members with one member representing each agency. This committee may further include up to four non-members (one representative from each agency's constituent group, including representatives from colleges/universities, community colleges, K12 schools or public libraries) as recommended by that agency's Council member.

Legislative and Advocacy
Although all members of the Council are expected to advocate on behalf of the AVL, the Legislative and Advocacy Committee is responsible for leading a formal campaign for advocacy that successfully demonstrates the value of the AVL to its constituents. Such a campaign will provide the appropriate talking points that can be distributed to all Council members and participating agencies for the purpose of promoting/educating Alabama citizens about the importance of the AVL. The committee will also inform the Council and all appropriate constituents of laws, legislation and other related activities that may have bearing on the AVL and its welfare.

The Nominating committee shall secure candidates for the slate of officers and present the slate to Council for vote in keeping with the provisions of Article IV, Section II of the By-Laws. The Chairperson shall appoint three members to serve on the Nominating Committee no later than April of each year.

The Publicity committee shall develop a strategic yearly marketing plan to be approved by the Board. The approved plan should implement public relations and advertising campaigns for the AVL. Other duties may include, but not be limited to, the development of media or print publicity materials to advance the public awareness and education of AVL users. The committee shall also suggest the purchase of promotional items best suited for each agency. The Publicity Committee includes Council members or members recommended by Council from their constituents.

The Training committee shall coordinate and implement training initiatives for the AVL with the approval of the Council. Other duties may include, but not be limited to, identifying training needs, selecting resources for training, and tracking the effectiveness of training activities, and identifying a pool of available trainers. The Training committee shall be appointed by the Chairperson and composed of two members from each constituency of the participating agencies. The committee may include Council members or members recommended by Council from their constituents.

Selection and Licensing
The License Committee shall review all licenses and pricing for database subscriptions and will be the sole voice for negotiating licenses for the AVL. The committee shall consist of the elected officers, and representatives of the fiscal agencies. Additional members may be appointed as needed by the chair. The committee will bring all recommendations to the Council for vote and approval before licenses are signed.

Special Committees
Special committees, including Ad Hoc, task force(s) or working groups, may be appointed by the Chairperson as needed to carry on the work of the AVL. The Chairperson shall appoint one Council member to serve on each special committee. Other members of the Special committees may be appointed from within or outside of the Council membership. Special committee chairpersons will call meetings and report findings to the Council. The Chairperson shall be an ex officio member of all committees except the nominating committee.

Strategic Planning
The Strategic Planning committee shall determine the strategic direction/vision of the AVL and develop a plan for realizing strategic goals and the future growth of the AVL. The strategic plan will be developed and implemented with the input and approval of the Council. The Chairperson shall appoint members to serve on the committee, as needed, with the approval of Council members.

Article VII. Archives

Authorized Council minutes along with budget and Treasurer records of the AVL should be housed at the Alabama State Department of Archives and History for their preservation. A copy of selected records will be forwarded to the Alabama Public Library Service for access purposes.

Article VIII. Amendment of the Bylaws

The bylaws of the AVL Council may be amended at any regular meeting of the Council by vote as set out in Article V, Section IV, provided the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting or at least 15 days in advance.

Article VIII. Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Revised shall govern the Council in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the bylaws and/or special rules of order that the Council may adopt. In addition, the Council shall operate and conduct business according to the Alabama Open meetings ACT 2005-40.

The Parliamentary shall be appointed by the Chairperson. The Parliamentary may be a Council member or a member recommended by Council from their constituents.