Gale eBooks is a collection of eBooks that cover a wide range of topics including Biographies, Early Learning, General Reference, Science, History, and more.
Audience: All
Gale eBooks is a collection of eBooks that cover a wide range of topics including Biographies, Early Learning, General Reference, Science, History, and more.
Audience: All
Gale General OneFile provides access to magazine and journal articles that cover a wide range of topics including Careers, Computers and Technology, History, News and Current Events, and more.
Audience: Middle School, High School, College & University, and General Public
Gale In Context: Elementary provides elementary students with access to an age-appropriate resource that is designed to develop research skills. Gale In Context: Elementary covers a wide range of topics including Animals, Geography, Literature, Science, and more.
Audience: Elementary School
Gale In Context: Middle School provides middle school students with access to an age-appropriate resource that contains newspaper and magazine articles, primary sources, videos, and more for research. Gale In Context: Middle School topics include Cultures, Geography, Science, World History, and more.
Audience: Middle School
Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints provides facts and insight into the political and social issues of today. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints provides access to periodical content that covers Current Events, News and Commentary, Economics, Environmental Issues, Politics and Media, and more.
Audience: High School, College & University, and General Public
Gale LegalForms provides access to professionally written Alabama specific legal documents. Gale LegalForms contains downloadable and fill-in-the-blank forms for Power of Attorney, Wills, Landlord-Tenant, Business Contracts, and more.
Audience: College & University, Adults, and General Public
Gale Literary Index is a master index for literature products that are published by Gale. Gale Literary Index provides access to author and title listings for literature products from Gale, as well as imprints from St. James Press, Charles Scribner's Sons, and Twayne Publishers.
Audience: High School, College & University, and General Public
Gale Literature allows researchers to cross search Gale's literature resources which includes Gale Literature Resource Center, Gale Literature: LitFinder, Gale Literature: Contemporary Authors, and more.
Audience: High School, College & University, and General Public
Gale Literature Resource Center provides access to literature criticism, topic and work overviews, biographies, author interviews, and more on some of history's most popular authors.
Audience: High School, College & University, and General Public
Gale Literature: Contemporary Authors provides access to information on modern poets, nonfiction writers, novelists, journalists, and more. Researchers can access information on the writer's career, history, biographical and critical sources, and more.
Audience: Middle School, High School, College & University, and the General Public
Gale Literature: Dictionary of Literary Biography allows researchers to explore the lives, works, and careers of some of the world's most influential literary figures.
Audience: High School, College & University, and General Public