Do you have firewall/security software installed?
You may find it necessary to adjust some settings in your firewall/security program. If the problem is with EBSCO, visit EBSCO's support page.

Are your Internet Explorer privacy settings set too high? 
Your Internet Explorer privacy settings may be set too high. Go to the "Tools" menu and select "Internet Options". Click the "Privacy" tab and make sure your settings are "medium" or lower.

Have you tried using another browser?
There may be an issue with browser you are currently using. You may want to try using another web browser.

For further assistance, please contact the AVL Help Desk.

There are no fees associated with AVL. AVL resources are provided for free to all Alabama citizens through funding from the Alabama Legislature.

If you need additional help, contact your local public library or contact the AVL Help Desk.

When contacting the AVL Help Desk, please provide the following information:

  • Your name, e-mail address, and a phone number.
  • A description of your issue and the steps you took to access a particular database. Please be sure to include any error messages.
  • The date and time the issue occurred.
  • Indicate which browser you are using (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc.)

AVL is compatible with most web browsers (Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc). If you use older web browsers, you may experience formatting errors or broken pages. For security reasons you should always make sure that you are using the latest version of your favorite browser. Links to vendor browser requirements are listed below.

Britannica Browser Requirements (External Link) Capstone Interactive Browser Requirements (External Link)
Gale Browser Requirements (External Link) EBSCO Browser Requirements (External Link)
OER Commons Browser Requirements (External Link) Oxford University Press Browser Requirements (External Link)
PebbleGo Browser Requirements (External Link) Pronunciator System Requirements (External Link)
ProQuest Browser Requirements (External Link) TeachingBooks Browser Requirements (External Link)
Visible Body Browser Requirements (External Link)  

The Alabama Virtual Library (AVL) provides quality library information (magazine articles, newspapers, encyclopedias, and other reference sources) licensed for Alabama citizens. Information collected for AVL account registration will only be used to authenticate AVL users and provide updates on AVL and its databases.

AVL databases are licensed for personal use by Alabama citizens, students/staff at Alabama public schools, and users of Alabama public libraries. Please keep your account credentials secure and private. Use of AVL by unauthorized users outside of Alabama will jeopardize use of the databases by all Alabama citizens.

An AVL user may not sell, distribute or commercially exploit a product nor make an AVL database available on a network or through remote access technology. Misuse of services provided by AVL may result in denial of service.

An Internet connection is required to access AVL. General knowledge of web browsers and simple search forms is recommended. Tutorials and help screens are available.

For an alphabetical listing of resources provided by AVL, please click here.

If you would like to obtain a library card, please contact your nearest Alabama Public Library.  Please click here for a complete list of Alabama Public Libraries.