Archived Announcements 2020

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Due to schools closing over the recent COVID-19 outbreak AVL vendors provided access to additional databases for free to all AVL users. Please see the list below for information on which databases were available during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Britannica E-Books

These e-book resources are available under Britannica E-Stax on the All Resources page.

The Britannica E-Books trial has expired.

The Alabama Virtual Library will continue operate and provide support during the COVID-19 outbreak. If you need technical support or emergency access to AVL, please call the AVL Help Desk at 256-971-7487 or 1-800-338-8320.

*Update* Due to the state of emergency that has been called by Governor Ivey and state agencies and business asking their employees to work from home, the AVL Council has decided to cancel the virtual March 18th meeting.