Section I.
The Council shall meet bimonthly beginning in October of each year. Meeting locations, day, dates, and times will be determined by the Council.
Section II.
The Chairperson of the Council may call special meetings; and said meetings may be called upon the request of three representatives of three different agencies of AVL. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call. Except in emergencies, a minimum of ten business days' notice (excluding Saturdays and Sundays) shall be given.
Section III.
A member may select to have a representative attend a meeting on their behalf, however the representative will have no authority to make comments unless for clarification purposes.
Section IV.
A simple majority of the Council shall consist of eight members with a minimum of one member representing each participating agency. Said majority shall constitute a quorum. Only appointed Council members may cast votes and must be present to vote. Proxy votes will not be recognized nor will any representative have voting privileges. Council members shall abstain from voting on matters that could be considered a conflict of interest. In the absence of a quorum, voting will be delayed until the next regular meeting when a quorum is present.