Librarian FAQs

How to issue AVL accounts at Public Libraries and Post-Secondary Universities.

To issue AVL accounts, please follow these steps:
Go to 

  1. Click on Login (the link is in the top right of the webpage). Please note that if you were automatically authenticated, you will need to click on Logout.
  2. Log in with your AVL credentials.
  3. Fill out the AVL Account request form and click on the Review Submission button.
  4. Review the information that was entered in the form. If the information is correct, click the Submit button.
  5. The user will receive an e-mail with instructions on how to set their password. This should occur shortly after their account has been created.

Please note that passwords are case sensitive.

AVL accounts will expire 5 years from the issuance date.

Click here for detailed instructions on how to issue AVL accounts at Public Libraries and Post-Secondary Universities.

How do I create a shortcut to AVL on my device?

Follow these easy steps to create a shortcut to AVL on your desktop.

Windows Users

  1. Open your browser and go to
  2. Select a blank spot on the webpage (an area that does not contain any text or images), right click, and select Create Shortcut. Please note: If you are using Chrome, right click and select "Save As." If you are using Firefox, right click, and select "Save Page As."
  3. Click Yes when asked if you create a shortcut on your desktop.
  4. You now have a shortcut for AVL on your desktop.

Android Users

  1. Open Chrome and go to
  2. Tap the menu button and then tap on "Add to Home Screen."
  3. You now have a shortcut for AVL on your home screen.

OS X Users

  1. Open Safari and go to
  2. Select the entire URL that is in the web address bar. 
  3. Click and drag the URL onto your desktop and release the mouse button.
  4. You now have a shortcut for AVL on your desktop.

iOS Users

  1. Launch Safari and go to
  2. Tap on the Share button on the browser's toolbar. Please note: For iPad users the toolbar is located at the top of the screen. For iPhone users the toolbar is located at the bottom of the screen. 
  3. Tap on the "Add to Home Screen" button.
  4. iOS will prompt you to name the shortcut before you can add it to the home screen. Once you name your shortcut tap the "Add" button.
  5. You now have a shortcut for AVL on your home screen.

How do I know if my institution has recently issued an AVL Account to a patron?

To see if your institution has already issued an AVL account to a patron, please follow these steps:

  1. Log into AVL with your institutions' AVL administrative credentials.
  2. Once you have logged in, click on the "Click Here to View Users" link in the top left of the page.
  3. This will take you to the User Accounts page for your institution.
  4. From here, you can enter the patron's e-mail address into the "Search by E-Mail Address" search box, and click the "Apply" button. If the patron has an AVL account their e-mail address will be listed in the search results.

How many e-books are available through AVL?

Currently, these vendors provide access to e-books through AVL.

Britannica 1,568 Titles
Capstone Interactive 252 Titles
EBSCO 1,225 Titles
Gale 221 Titles
Oxford University Press 156 Titles
Springer Nature 853 Titles

How do I request AVL promotional materials?

If you are an educator or librarian who needs AVL supplies or promotional materials, please use the AVL Promotional Materials Request form.

Promotional images are also available for download from the the AVL Advocacy page. Click here to access the AVL Advocacy page.

I can't log into my account. What could be wrong?

  1. Are you entering your password correctly?
    Verify your password. Did you transpose i/1/I or o/O/0? Original passwords do not contain numbers. Please note that passwords are case sensitive. 
  2. Have you cleared your browser cache?
    Your web browser may be caching your credentials. Try clearing your browser cache before logging into AVL. See the HELP feature for your browser for more information on resetting this option.

For further assistance, please contact the AVL Help Desk.

How to issue AVL accounts at Public Schools.

To issue AVL accounts, please follow these steps:
Go to 

  1. Click on Login (the link is in the top right of the webpage). Please note that if you were automatically authenticated, you will need to click on Logout.
  2. Log in with your AVL credentials.
  3. Fill out the AVL Account request form and click on the Review Submission button.
  4. Review the information that was entered in the form. If the information is correct, click the Submit button.
  5. The user will receive an e-mail with instructions on how to set their password. This should occur shortly after their account has been created.

Please note that passwords are case sensitive. 

AVL accounts will expire 5 years from the issuance date.

Click here for detailed instructions on how to issue AVL accounts at Public Schools.